Flash & Go
Revolutionize not only your thin layer chromatrography
but also the transposition and creation of the method.

Flash and Go
Revolutionize not only your thin layer chromatrography
but also the transposition and creation of the method.

With the “Flash & Go” feature via our mobile app or our “ITT” interface, you can feel the power of Genius at your fingertips.
Allow your TLC developments to be transformed into a unique user experience and let it propose the best method for carrying out your purification.
The TLC of the future is in your hands already.
With our smartphone app “TLC to Flash & Prep Chromatography” Genius will automatically recognize the compounds on your TLC plate from a simple photo.
Indicate which ones are of interest, specify your solvents and with only a few clicks your information is already (securely) forwarded to the purification system puriFlash®.
Indispensable for saving time.

And in the next instant, the best method formulated by Genius is already waiting for your “Go” to get started.
The data transferred by the app have (just) been incremented directly to the “ITT” interface for “intelligent TLC transposition”. Nothing needs to be entered, but you can change whatever you like.
And if you have not yet downloaded the app? In order to benefit from the ITT, you can of course also enter your parameters manually.
Based on your information, Genius will propose the ideal method with the best column for successful purification.
Indispensable for purifications which are always a synonym for success.