
InterSoft X

The intuitive and convivial software for controlling your systems

X as in X factor,
That little something that makes your software great.

An ultra-optimized UX and UI for simplied application.

(UX = User Experience UI = User interface)
With Intersoft X you will master the full power of your puriFlash® purification systems when operating it with your fingertips or a stylus.

K.I.S.S software

(Keep intelligence simple, smart).
This intuitive and intelligent software has been well thought out to the very detail for an extremely simple application and to guarantee working convenience every single day.
Create your method from A to Z on a single page: choose the solvent, column, injection mode, preparing the elution, … everything is present!
And follow your purifications on the dedicated page.

Are you mobile? So is the software.

Benefit from remote monitoring allowing you to cast a glance at your purifications at any time.

InterSoft X.
eXceptional. eXtraordinary.

For a workplace as individual as you,
Personalize your InterSoft X to your own preferences.

Parameterize your preferences for the application up to the selection of colors for the different detection signals by choosing one of our available themes or by creating your own theme for a pleasant work environment that suits you.

You are not using some functions or detectors? The interface automatically adapts to the configuration of the device and allows you to only keep what is important to you and preserves your interface for maximum readability at all times. You can also change your display preferences directly in your user profile.

Can different users work with the same device? No problem, InterSoft X can easily handle multi-profiles.

With our software it is possible to create different user accounts so that everybody can have their own dedicated space with their own user settings. You can also simultaneously open several user accounts in the software with a secured connection/disconnection for each user.

Create your method and leave the sequence up to the Sample Queue!

Equilibration, injection, elution or communicating alert.
With one glance on the status bar you know where you stand.

Information visible from afar: thanks to the integrated LED, the fraction collector of your puriFlash® of the fifth generation changes its color according to the purification step.

And to boost your productivity, benefit from the features Load & Go and RFID recognition.

Load & Go: automate your injections

InterSoft X will attend to the equilibration of the columns, the loading of samples and the cleaning of the system.

> Learn more about Load & Go

RFID identification:

With the automatic identification of the loops, racks, columns and dry load by means of RFID, you no longer need to communicate the compounds to InterSoft X – it identifies it on its own.

> Learn more about RFID